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Advanced Dental Technology – Buckhead, GA

Gentle & Accurate Care, Every Time

State-of-the-art dental tools

At Endodontics of Buckhead, patient comfort comes first, second, and third on our list of priorities. We provide a very specialized and sensitive type of dentistry, and ensuring our patients have a stress-free experience is paramount. To help us in this effort, Dr. Mark Barr and Dr. Avni Maru have invested in some of the most state-of-the-art technology available today. With the instruments detailed below, we’re able to provide the highest quality care in the gentlest way possible, giving our patients every reason to smile.

Committed to High-Quality & Ultimate Comfort

  • GentleWave delivers faster & more effective root canals
  • Can find dental issues sooner with intraoral cameras
  • Nothing gets past us thanks to our surgical microscopes

SonEndo GentleWave

GentleWave technology has completely changed the way we perform root canals. Now, instead of needing a long series of files to reach and clean the smallest areas of a tooth, we’re able to thoroughly remove infected tissue and better preserve dental structure using a combination of fluid dynamics and acoustics. GentleWave utilizes a steady stream of fluid to actually create a vacuum inside a tooth that provides a deeper clean in much less time.

Learn More About Sonendo GentleWave

Digital X-Rays

Digital x-rays on tablet computer

Before we begin most treatments, we will take an X-ray of a patient’s mouth in order to see what is going on below the surface, and this often helps us catch problems even before they are visible to the naked eye. We’ve upgraded to only using digital X-rays because, compared to traditional film ones, they can create images much faster and lower radiation exposure by about 80%, helping our patients save time and get peace of mind all at once.

Cone Beam/CT Scanner

Woman receiving CT scan

When planning dental implant placement, we need to determine the perfect place to position a patient’s new tooth/teeth within the jawbone to ensure the success of the procedure. To do this, we use our cone beam/CT scanner, which is able to create a fully 3D X-ray image of a patient’s teeth, jaw, and surrounding oral structures. We can then use it to create a precise surgical guide so that a patient enjoys a smooth procedure and easy recovery as well.

Surgical Microscopes

Model of inside of damaged tooth

In order to ensure the success of an endodontic procedure, Dr. Barr and Dr. Maru's goal is to remove every bit of an infection present inside a tooth. To help get a better look into the tiny spaces where harmful bacteria can reside, they use a series of surgical microscopes, each with multiple levels of magnification. These microscopes are much more powerful than the traditional loupes (magnifying glasses) that most dentists wear, ensuring that nothing ever gets past them.

Intraoral Cameras

Dentist and patient looking at intraoral photos

We want our patients to know everything they can about their dental needs so there is never any uncertainty when it comes to their care, and our intraoral cameras go a long way in helping us accomplish this goal. These small, handheld devices fit easily into the mouth and can capture high-resolution images of the teeth and gums. We can then display these images on a monitor right in the treatment room, helping a patient see exactly what Dr. Barr and Dr. Maru see, making it much easier for them to understand why they might need a particular treatment.

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Non-Surgical Endodontics Surgical Endodontics Dental Implants Facial Esthetics Sedation Dentistry Traumatic Dental Injuries View Our Services